Pharmacy Resource Guide
This selection of resources is specifically designed to help pharmacists and their patients manage glucose levels and optimize sensor use. Bookmark this page for easy access to valuable tools and information to enhance your practice and patient care.
Dispensing Dexcom G7
Dexcom Pharmacy Webpage
Explore Dexcom's pharmacy toolkit, training videos, and other exclusive resources specifically designed to support pharmacists.
Coverage Calculator
Utilize this tool to assess Dexcom's pharmacy coverage for clinicians and identify the most cost-effective option for each patient.
OTC Glucose Sensing
Stelo Webinar for Pharmacists
Learn how to get started with Stelo, a glucose biosensor that tracks glucose 24/7 to reveal how food, exercise, and sleep can affect glucose levels.
Video Series: Your Journey with Stelo Towards Glucose Health
Join Stelo users as they share their glucose tracking experiences and offer valuable tips and tricks.
Clinic Resources
Clinic Workflow
Learn how to seamlessly integrate Dexcom's glucose sensing technology into your primary care workflow.
Share Glucose Data with Clarity Clinic
Access your patients' data in a few clicks with the Clarity Clinic Connection within the Dexcom G7 app.
Patient Education Tools
Understanding Your Glucose Using Dexcom CGM: A Playbook for Your Health
This online book is designed to help patients with type 2 diabetes understand their unique glucose patterns, how food and activity can affect glucose, and how CGM can help them identify strategies that work for them.
Customize Alerts
Learn how to effectively utilize Dexcom G7 alerts to maximize patient benefits.
Experience, Experiment, Reflect
Help your patients get the most out of their Dexcom G7 by experimenting with food and activity and learning how their glucose responds.
Additional Resources
CGM Resource Guide
A collection of essential CGM resources ready for immediate download and use in your practice.
Hospital Discharge Resource Guide
This Guide provides valuable resources to enhance hospital, provider, and patient understanding and management of diabetes care at discharge.
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